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Posts from 2008, 2007 and 2006
Dec 2008 Tutorials Co-Chair Clifton Forlines Tabletop 2009 - I'm delighted to announce that Clifton Forlines, a Research Associate and Technical Staff member from Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL) in Cambridge MA will be joining me as Co-Chair for the Tabletop 2009 Tutorials program.…
Dec 2008 Two Conference Papers Accepted. - Myself and three of my PhD students have recently had two papers accepted at leading international conferences. Both will be published in upcoming volumes on the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series. Firstly, myself…
Dec 2008 AP2PS 2009 Invitation to program committee - "Peer-to-peer systems have considerably evolved since their original conception, in the 90's. The idea of distributing files using the user's terminal as a relay has now been widely extended to embrace virtually any form of…
Dec 2008 TRIL TTP – Tenure Success and Complete! - My tenure as Principal Investigator for the TRIL Technology Platform team is now drawing to a close. It's been my great pleasure to have helped lead this excellent interdisciplinary team over the past 2 year…
Dec 2008 Conference Co-Chair, I-HCI 2009 the third conference of the Irish HCI Community - I am the co-chair for the I-HCI 2009 along with Gavin Doherty from Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. I-HCI 2009 is the third conference of the Irish HCI Community. Held in Trinity College Dublin on the…
Dec 2008 Workshop Chair, Pervasive 2010 – The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing - May 2010, Helsinki FinlandI have been invited to be one of the Workshop Chairs for Pervasive 2010, The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing 17-20 May 2010. Our workshops and the main conference will be…
Dec 2008 Tutorials Chair, IEEE Tabletop and Interactive Surfaces 2009 - Nov 2009 in Banff Canada...I have been invited to be chair of the tutorials track for the Symposium on Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces 2009 to be held on Nov 23 to 25 in Banff Canada.…
Dec 2008 Program Co-Chair, Pervasive Advertising Workshop @ Pervasive 2009 - Website goes live. May 2009 in Nara Japan….. “The Pervasive Advertising workshop focusses on how Pervasive Technology is shaping the future of advertising. Technologies including digital signage, ambient displays, mobile phones, haptic interfaces and e-newspapers…
Dec 2008 SIGCHI Ireland Launch Sponsorship - Today we had the SIGCHI Ireland Inaugural Lecture by Professor Alan Dix. He gave an inspiring talk on "Human-Computer Interaction in the early 21st century: a stable discipline, a nascent science, and the growth of…
Nov 2008 Two CHI 2009 workshop papers accepted. - Myself and members of my research group have had two of our workshop position papers accepted for CHI 2009. The first paper entitled "Designing for Collaboration: Professional Information Management (PIM) in Research Communities" by Umer…

Nov 2008 Pervasive 2009 Workshop – Pervasive Advertising - Today Jörg Müller from the University of Münster, Albrecht Schmidt from University of Duisburg-Essen, Bo Begole from PARC USA and myself had our workshop on "Pervasive Computing will change the Future of Advertising" ( accepted…
Nov 2008 Invited Speaker, ICT Lyon 2008 “Health@Home” - I have been invited to speak at the Eurescom’s networking session on “Health@Home – A new paradigm for prevention and chronic disease management”. The session will take place at the Lyon Congress Centre, room Saint…
Nov 2008 Irish Chapter of ACM SIGCHI Launch (Dec 2nd) - Irish Research into Human-Computer InteractionA new Irish Chapter of ACM SIGCHI will be officially launched at Trinity College Dublin on Tuesday 2 December 2008, 4pm, reception to follow.SIGCHI brings together people working on the design,…
Nov 2008 Emil Vassev starts as a postdoctoral fellow - Welcome to Dr. Emil Vassev fromConcordia University in Montreal, Canada to the Systems Research Group. Emil recently completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science and his thesis was on ASSL a "Framework for Specification and Code…
Nov 2008 Two Journal Papers Published - Congrats to two of my students Brendan and Ross on our recent journal papers which have been published in high profile venues with high impact factors. The work on both of these projects continues so…
Oct 2008 TRIL wins Irish Healthcare Award - The Irish Medical Times awarded TRIL the 'Best Use of IT in Healthcare' at the annual Irish Healthcare Awards. The prestigious awards took place on 16th October. The awards began in 2002 and have attracted…
Oct 2008 PhD External Examiner Computing Department, Lancaster University. - In October 2008 I had the pleasure of being the external examiner for Mr. Geoffrey Ellis a PhD student of Professor Alan Dix in the Department of Computing at Lancaster University UK. Over the course…
Oct 2008 PhD-position: Collaborative Tabletop Recommender – CLARITY - University College Dublin as part of the CLARITY research centre is seeking an exceptional candidate to apply for a postgraduate (PhD) research scholarship on a "Collaborative Tabletop Recommender" project.CLARITY, the Centre for Sensor Web Technologies…
Oct 2008 Neil Cowzer start as an IRCSET funded postgrad - Neil Cowzer has joined me this week as a postgraduate in the SRG. Neil recently completed his undergraduate in UCD and achieved a 1:1 in BSc Computer Science for his efforts. An ODCSSS 06 alumni,…
Sept 2008 IEEE TableTop Session Chair - Later this week I will be a session chair for Session 6 on Different Views: Display Techniques for Interactive Surfaces at Tabletop'08 the 3rd IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces Conference in Amsterdam. After being on…
Sept 2008 VAST Challenge committee travel grant to Mike Farrugia - Mike Farrugia won an award for his submission to the IEEE VAST research contest. As part of this he will be presenting in the USA next month.Animating Multivariate Dynamic Social Networks Node-Link Animation (Cell Phone…
Sept 2008 UbiComp 2008 workshops - This week two of my students and some of my collaborators presented three workshop papers we had accepted at the UbiComp 2008 Workshops in Korea. These papers will form the basis for full paper submissions…
Sept 2008 Clique: Graph & Network Analysis Cluster Site Visit - I am one of the six Principal Investigators for the proposed Clique: Graph & Network Analysis Strategic Research Cluster (SRC). I lead the Visulisation workpackage within the Clique cluster. On the 11th of September along…
Aug 2008 International Workshops at EMBC Canada and Intel USA - Along with my industrial co-PI Dr. Michael McGrath on the TRIL technology platform we recently demonstrated our BioMOBIUS research platform internationally. We were joined in these presentations by our colleagues Drs. Karl O'Donovan and Julie…
Aug 2008 Microsoft Techtalk: Social Network Visualisation - On Monday the 25th of August I gave an invited Techtalk on Social Network Visualisation at Microsoft Ireland. I was invited to present by Andrzej after meeting him at AVI 2008 in Naples Italy in…
Aug 2008 Invitation to Speak SENIOR project Brussels - I have been invited to present a talk on Ubicomp User Interfaces at the SENIOR project workshop in Brussels on Ubiquitous Computing on Sept 8th. The SENIOR project is examining issues related to ethics, privacy,…
Aug 2008 VAST 2008 and congrats to Mike Farrugia - Congratulations to Mike Farrugia one of my MSc students as he is one of the VAST 2008 Challenge Award Winners. His node-link animation submission to the contest was given one of these awards due to…
Aug 2008 Three new papers and a poster accepted - Along with students and colleagues we had a series of workshop and poster papers accepted recently. Rashid U. and Quigley A., "Ambient Displays in Academic Settings: Avoiding their Underutilization", Ambient Information Systems Workshop at UbiComp…
Aug 2008 Elevated to IEEE Senior Member - Dr. Aaron Quigley was elevated to the grade of Senior Member in the IEEE.
Aug 2008 CAPSIL Tokyo - Dr. Aaron Quigley the CAPSIL co-ordinator attended the second CAPSIL Workshop, held in Waseda University Tokyo from 30-31, July. He presented a co-ordinator report to the CAPSIL consortium members.CAPSIL (International Support Action of a Common…
July 2008 BioMobius in the News - For now, researchers in University College Dublin, St James’ Hospital and the Technology Research for Independent Living Centre (TRILC) are going to use SHIMMER, but Daly expects it to move into the more commercial field…
July 2008 Pervasive 2009 Program Committee invitation - Today I agreed to serve on the program committee for Pervasive 2009. I was invited to serve by A.J. Brush, Adrian Friday, Yoshito Tobe the program committee co-chairs. This annual conference provides a premier forum…
June 2008 Journal Special Issue Call - Along with colleagues in Microsoft and Bristol we are editing a special issue of a journal to follow on from our PPD workshop last month in Italy. Call for Papers for Personal and Ubiquitous Computing…
June 2008 BioMOBIUS in the news - Myriad of links to news items discussing BioMOBIUS Body Sensor Networks Bnet PC Magazine WikiNews eChannel Line Intel ZDNet Virtual Medical Worlds UCD CSIBrian O'Mullane head of TTP software team UCD…
June 2008 BioMOBIUS Workshop UCD Sept 2008 - University College Dublin - September 10th, 2008The TRIL Centre is running a one day BioMOBIUS™ Workshop in University College, Dublin on September 10th 2008 for researchers.BioMOBIUS™ platform is a closely integrated collection of hardware and…
June 2008 Lero – The Irish Software Engineering Research Centre - Today I am attending the Lero CSET year 2 review dry run in the UCD CASL. Our colleagues from around Ireland have come together today to give an overview ofour research efforts to one another.…
June 2008 BioMOBIUS in the news - Connecting People, Heath and Health Care For nearly 10 years, Intel has focused on people-centered research that leads to innovative technologies to improve the care of aging and chronically ill individuals in the home. Personalized…
June 2008 VGV08 and Congrats to Mike Bennett - Irish Graduate Student Symposium onVision, Graphics and Visualisation(VGV08)June 5thTrinity College DublinOn the back of an IRCSET exploratory Graduate Research Education Program exploratory grant myself and colleagues in Dublin City University and Trinity College Dublin organised…
June 2008 PerCom PC 2009 - I was recently invited to serve of the international program committee for PerCom 2009 the Seventh Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications. I look forward to taking part in this program committee…
June 2008 UbiComp 2008 PC and MSR Redmond - From September 21 - 24 this year UbiComp 2008 Tenth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing will be held in the COEX, Seoul, South Korea. I'm currently attending the paper review meeting in Microsoft Research Redmond…
June 2008 EMBC Workshop Accepted - Along with colleagues in the TTP in TRIL we had our proposal for a pre-workshop event at EMBC 2008 accepted. Our event is called "Platform Oriented Approaches to Biomedical Application Development for In-lab and In-home…
May 2008 Co-Chair PPD’08 – Naples Italy - AVI is going well but this Saturday I am co-chairing an international workshop on designing multi-touch interaction techniques for coupled public and private displays along with Shahram Izadi from Microsoft Research UK and Sriram Subramanian…
May 2008 Session Chair AVI 2008 - I am currently attending AVI 2008 where I am about to chair the session on Surface - Oriented Interaction. AVI 2008 is the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces and is held every 2…
May 2008 Pervasive 2008 comes to an end - Today saw the end of my responsibilities for Pervasive 2008 the Sixth International Conference on Pervasive Computing, which was held in Sydney. Congratulations and thanks to all the organisers for their hardwork and dedication in…
May 2008 Pervasive Computing @ Home Workshop - Today I attended and presented at the Pervasive Computing @ Home workshop in Sydney. This workshop was focused on Pervasive Technology as applied specifically to a home environment. What was discussed was what distinguishes the…
May 2008 Tabletop’08 PC – IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces 2008 - I was today invited to serve on the Program Committee for Tabletop'08 the 3rd IEEE Tabletops and Interactive Surfaces Conference in Amsterdam in October this year. The use of the tabletop as an input/output device…
May 2008 LoCA 2009 Co-Chair - Along with Tanzeem Choudhury of Dartmouth College, USA I am the program co-chair for LoCA 2009 in Tokyo Japan. 4th International Symposium on Location and Context AwarenessMay 7th-8th, 2009. Tokyo, JapanThe 2009 Symposium on Location…
May 2008 Paper Accepted IV08: Structural Clustering - Gaudin A. and Quigley A., "Interactive Structural Clustering of Graphs based on Multi-Representations", 12th International Conference on Information Visualisation IV08, 9 - 11 July 2008 in LSBU, London, UK (to appear)Work based on Marie Curie…
May 2008 Paper Accepted AVI 2008: Perceptual Usability - Bennett M. and Quigley A., "Perceptual Usability: Predicting changes in visual interfaces & designs due to visual acuity differences", 9th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI2008) Naples Italy May 2008
Apr 2008 Paper Accepted Pervasive 2008 LBR: DocTrack - Holland T. and Quigley A,, "DocTrack: automatic printed digital document tagging and remote retrieval", Late Breaking Results of the Sixth International Conference in Pervasive Computing (PERVASIVE 2008), Sydney Australia May 2008
Apr 2008 TRIL BioMOBIUS Launch - I am one of the Principal Investigators for the TRIL Centre (Technology Research for Independent Living) on the Technology Platform and today we launched the BioMOBIUS™ Research Platform. This is the combined effort of a…
Apr 2008 SFI Funded CSET: CLARITY - Science Foundation Ireland is to fund a €16.4m technology partnership between UCD, DCU and Tyndall in the CLARITY CSET. I'm one of the collaborators in this centre and other academics in my research group such…
Apr 2008 TRIL TTP – CASL Research Day - TRIL TTP/ CASL joint research dayDate: April 9th 2008Time: 9:00-14:10Location: UCD CASL, Seminar Room (ground floor) - 9:30 Welcome and coffee9:30 - 10:00 Dr. Joseph Kiniry - A Bit of Rigor Goes a Long…
Apr 2008 EU Coordinating Action: CAPSIL - I have recently become the UCD PI for an EU Support Action CAPSIL we coordinate. CAPSIL is an ‘International Support of a Common Awareness and Knowledge Platform for Studying and Enabling Independent Living’. Our first…
Apr 2008 Belfast Agreement, 10th Anniversary Event - I've been invited to attend an event early this month in Belfast Agreement to mark the 10th anniversary of the Belfast Agreement. In addition to the Taoiseach Bertie Ahern and Senator Mitchell, others who will…
Apr 2008 Pervasive 2008 Tutorial - Context-Rich but Keyboard-Free Pervasive Computing - Pervasive Computing User Interfaces - Aaron J Quigley - Pervasive 2008 TutorialsClearly there are classes of computing application which will rely on the classical screen, keyboard and mouse interfaces…
Mar 2008 P2P 2008 PC - I was invited to join the Program Committee for both The Eighth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2008)
Mar 2008 Postdoc HCI/Systems Engineering [Closed] - We had over 20 applications for these posts, thanks to all those who applied. Post-Doctoral Fellow in HCI and Systems EngineeringMarch 31st DeadlineFixed-term 1 year post (with a possibility of an extension)Ref: 003291Technology Research for…
Mar 2008 Two Workshop papers at “Pervasive Computing @ Home” - Our group had two papers one in collaboration with IBM and one with TRIL. Adding Convenience to “Cohabitation of Convenience” and Home Deployment for Independent Living workshop papers at Pervasive Computing @ Home, workshop of…
Feb 2008 Lero Postgraduate Posts - The LERO Graduate School in Software Engineering - LGSSE - the main education initiative of LERO- offers a four year PhD Programme jointly provided by the four Irish Universities involved in LERO (The University of…
Feb 2008 Jobs – Interaction Designer [closed] - We had over 20 applications for these posts, thanks to all those who applied. Interaction Designer UCD College of Engineering, Mathematical and Physical SciencesFixed-term 1 year post (with a possibility of an extension)Ref: 003292Technology Research…
Jan 2008 Oracle/SFI Grant success and review - Professor Paddy Nixon holds a €2.5m SFI award in Secure and Predictable Pervasive Systems. This core grant has allowed us over the past 3 years to develop the systems research group (SRG) in UCD into…
Jan 2008 TRIL Centre IDA Review - Along with my co-Principal Investigators in the TRIL Centre (Technology Research for Independent Living) we presented to an external review panel on our work to date and plans for 2008 across the 5 strands within…
Jan 2008 Co-Chair PPD’08 (public/private multi-touch displays) - Along with some colleagues I had a workshop proposal for AVI 2008 the International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces accepted recently. PPD'08 Call for Papers Workshop on designing multi-touch interaction techniques for coupled public…
Jan 2008 Multimedia, Graphics and Visualization – Next Steps - Since 2005 I have been teaching a Multimedia, Graphics and Visualization (COMP40340) course in UCD as part of our Higher Diploma/M.Sc. in Ubiquitous and Multimedia Systems. I inherited this course from a colleague and while…
Jan 2008 CLARITY SFI site-visit - I've been involved with the Adaptive Information Cluster in UCD and DCU for a number of years. Primarily through ODCSSS, our undergraduate research internship program which they helped support with funds for the first couple…
Dec 2007 Grant Success: CASL Scientific Computing Sensor Facility - A group of us in the UCD CASL were awarded €620,000 as part of a successful grant application under the 2007 SFI Equipment Call. This is a great success for CASL as the grant involved…
Dec 2007 Co-Chair Pervasive 2008 Late Breaking Results - +-------------------------------------------------------------+ Preliminary Call for Late Breaking Results Papers Pervasive 2008 The Sixth International Conference on Pervasive Computing Sydney, Australia May 19-22, 2008 Call for Late Breaking Results PapersSubmission Deadline: 1st February 2008, 18:00 ESTNotification…
Dec 2007 Umer Rashid starts as IBM/IRCSET funded postgrad - Umer Rashid has joined me this week as a postgrad in the SRG. Umer has a Masters from the U-VR Lab, GIST, Gwangju, South Korea under the supervision of Wontack Woo. He comes to us…
Nov 2007 UbiComp 2008 Program Committee - I was invited to serve on the UbiComp 2008 Program Committee. UbiComp is a top-tier conference. UbiComp 2008 is the Tenth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing and will be held in Seoul, South Korea from…
Nov 2007 Appointed PI, TRIL Technology Platform Strand - Myself and Prof. Paddy Nixon are the two new Co-Principal Investigators into the TRIL Technology Platform Strand with a team of about 7 currently based in Engineering. TRIL represents a total investment by Intel and…
Oct 2007 Dagstuhl Seminar Invitation - I have been invited to attend a Dagstuhl Seminar in May of 2008 on Graph Drawing with Applications to Bioinformatics and Social Sciences. This is a very timely event for me, as I am working…
Oct 2007 Three Open Postdoc Posts - 3 postdoctoral research positions available in:* wireless sensor networks* software engineering for autonomic systems* enterprise systems engineeringSystems Research GroupSchool of Computer Science and InformaticsUCD Dublin, Belfield, Dublin 4, IrelandThe group=========UCD's Systems Research Group conducts world-recognised…
Oct 2007 European Patent Office Invention Filed - As part of my role as an IBM CAS Visiting Scientist I work with Extreme Blue groups during the summer period. Three of my former UCD honours student Keith, Cheryl and Darin have ended up…
Oct 2007 Tom Holland starts as IRCSET funded postgrad - I would like to welcome Tom Holland who recently started his Ph.D. with the Systems Research Group in the UCD Complex and Adaptive Systems Laboratory under my supervision with Prof. Paddy Nixon. Tom is starting…
Sept 2007 CellTransformer: A Tool to Generate Reaction Networks through Graph Transformation - Brendan Sheehan MSc, one of the PhD scholars I supervise is off to The Eighth International Conference on Systems Biology, Long Beach California Oct 1-6, 2007. He is attending various tutorials and presenting a poster…
Sept 2007 Masterclass in Software Architecture - Next week along with a few invited software architecture leaders and members of UK and Irish academia I am attending an IBM Masterclass. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to learn more about this area…

Aug 2007 Session Chair P2P 2007 - Having Daniel Cutting as a PhD student brought me into the area of peer to peer computing. Building on my own background in systems research this exposure brought a new found interest in overlay networks…
Aug 2007 Peer to Peer Journal Papers [Daniel Cutting] - Along with Daniel Cutting and Bjorn Landfeldt we have recently had two Journal papers accepted. Daniel was my first PhD student who submitted his thesis on Implicit Group Messaging on P2P network in June of…
July 2007 Conference Roles IBM CAS 2007, AmI 2007, IOT 2008, Pervasive 2008 - The summer is a busy time for completing research projects ready for publication in the coming year. Along with completing research projects the summer is also a busy time for reviewing papers for conferences coming…
July 2007 New Papers [Ross Shannon] - The students in my group have been publishing a number of a new papers of late. Ross Shannon has had two papers accepted in recent months, one on collecting and reasoning about context data from…
July 2007 Panelist – 20th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training - In early July 2007 I was an invited panelists at the Conference for Software Engineering Education and Training, 2007 (CSEET 2007) on "Preparing Students for Software Engineering Research". Along with these panelists: Dr. Laurie Williams,…
July 2007 Graduate Programme in Visualisation, Graphics and Vision (VGV) - In the first week of July 2007 a group of academics from the three Dublin-based universities – Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and Dublin City University led by Prof. Carol O'Sullivan submitted a GREP…
July 2007 Grant Evaluation FCT Portugal - In late June I was invited by the Foundation for Science and the Technology Portugal (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) to evaluate a number of grant proposals on a Computer Engineering Panel. This…
June 2007 Expert Panel Visualisation, Graphics and Vision - On June 16, 2007 we had an expert panel review our proposed inter-University graduate program in Visualisation, Graphics and Vision. Academics from the three Dublin-based universities – Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin, and Dublin…
June 2007 InfoVis Symposium Dublin - UCD Complex & Adaptive Systems LaboratoryInformation Visualisation
Mini-Symposium June 15th 2007This Information Visualisation symposium saw people from industry and academia from around Ireland come together for a mini-symposium on Information Visualisation. Aaron Quigley chaired the…
June 2007 TMA EMBO Course and Demo - As part of our ODCSSS 2006 we had a student work on a TableTop tissue microarray visualisation. Following on from this we were part of an application to run an EMBO Practical Course on Tissue…
June 2007 China Research Trip - From May 27th until June 4th I took part in an IRCSET funded GREP research visit with my colleague Marie Redmond from Trinity College Dublin to China. IRCSET funded our exploratory grant which supported this…
June 2007 SRG students attend Software Engineering Research Summer School - As part of the project SPL1 - Visualisation of Software Project Lines, UCD@Lero the Irish Software Engineering Research centre is providing support for Luke O'Malley one of my MSc students to the attend a summer…

May 2007 UbiComp 2007 PC - In May of 2007 I attend a two day meeting as a program committee member in Toronto for the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. This will be held on 16-19 September 2007 in Innsbruck,…
May 2007 New Papers and Professional Activities - Dobson S., Bailey E., Knox S., Shannon R. and Quigley A., "A First Approach to the Closed-Form Specification and Analysis of an Autonomic Control System", 12th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems…

Apr 2007 Graduate Research Education: Sweden - On April 18th I took part in an IRCSET funded GREP research visit with my colleague Gavin Doherty from Trinity College Dublin. IRCSET funded an exploratory grant which supported this trip for the development of…
Apr 2007 A digital-physical scrapbook for memory sharing - MEMENTO: a digital-physical scrapbook for memory sharingJournal Personal and Ubiquitous ComputingPublisher Springer LondonISSN 1617-4909 (Print) 1617-4917 (Online)Subject Computer ScienceIssue Volume 11, Number 4 / April, 2007Category Original ArticleDOI 10.1007/s00779-006-0090-7Pages 313-328David West, Aaron Quigley and Judy…
Mar 2007 Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering - Along with Luke O'Malley in UCD and other colleagues in LERO we have had our workshop at SPLC accepted by international peer-review. We are organising a Workshop on Visualisation in Software Product Line Engineering (ViSPLE…
Mar 2007 IBM CAS Conference CFP - The Preliminary Call for Papers for the IBM CAS Software and Systems Engineering Symposium 2007 has now been published. This is the third annual IBM Dublin CAS research symposia organised as a multi-track single day…

Mar 2007 UbiComp Reviews Start - I am a PC member for UbiComp 2007 and reviewing has now started for the 9th International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing. [ Watch the UbiComp 2007 Promo Video here ]. This conference is to be…

Mar 2007 Director of HDip, Higher Diploma in Computing - Aaron Quigley will be taking over from Henry McLoughlin as the Director of the Higher Diploma in Computer Science in Computer Science and Informatics.
Mar 2007 IBM Dublin CAS Symposium Program Chair - Aaron Quigley is the Program Chair for the IBM CAS Software and Systems Engineering Symposium 2007 (Dublin Ireland). This is the third annual IBM Dublin CAS research symposia organised as a multi-track single day event…
Feb 2007 Move of SRG group to CASL - We have moved to the new Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory along with 22 PIs in the first phase of its development. This lab brings together academics from the schools of Business, Computer Science and…
Nov 2007 Best Paper Award - We won the Best Paper award for "Visualisation Techniques to Support Derivation Tasks in Software Product Line Development" authored by Nestor D., O'Malley L., Healy P., Quigley A., Thiel S., at the IBM CAS Software…
Jan 2007 Awarded SFI UREKA grant - Received a very competitive Undergraduate Research Experience & Knowledge Award (UREKA) from the Science Foundation Ireland for ODCSSS with DCU. This award, worth in excess of €300,000 will fund many undergraduate research projects based on…
Dec 2006 GREP research visit Sydney and Tokyo - VGV Graduate Programme in Visualisation, Graphics and Vision research and exploratory visits to NICTA (Australia), University of Sydney and the NII Tokyo Japan. I even got to meet up with one of my former student…
Dec 2006 New Program Committee Memberships - Invited to join the Program Committee for both The Seventh IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P 2007) and The Ninth International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UBICOMP 2007)
Nov 2006 SFI Ureka Grant Submitted - I am one of the lead applicants for a UREKA SFI grant request submitted to the SFI. This grant, if successful, will see me become the UCD director for ODCSSS from 2007 - 2009.
Nov 2006 InfoVis Symposium Poster - Information Visualization Symposium (InfoVis 2006), π-flow (Honorable mention), Benoit Gaudin, Mike Bennett, Brendan Sheehan and Aaron J. Quigley
Nov 2006 InfoVis Symposium Poster - Information Visualization Symposium (InfoVis 2006), π-flow (Honorable mention), Benoit Gaudin, Mike Bennett, Brendan Sheehan and Aaron J. Quigley
Oct 2006 IRCSET GREP Award - IRCSET funded exploratory our grant for Graduate Programme in Visualisation, Graphics and Vision with TCD, UCD and DCU under their Graduate Research Education Programme.
Oct 2006 Best Poster Award IBM Dublin CASCON - CASCON 2006 Dublin symposium Best Poster Award, "From Migrations to Population Concentration"
Oct 2006 Best Poster Award IBM Dublin CASCON - CASCON 2006 Dublin symposium Best Poster Award, "From Migrations to Population Concentration"
Oct 2006 CASCON 2006 - I have been the Program Chair for the Dublin CASCON 2006 Dublin Symposium this year
Sept 2006 New Honours Student - Cheryl-Anne Harding has started her honours project on TableTop Information Visualisation and Darin Eagan has started his on 3D MPEG Encoding Visualisation with me.
Sept 2006 Luke O’Malley starts as postgrad - Luke O'Malley, has started with me as a Lero MSc scholar
Sept 2006 International P2P Conference Paper - Daniel Cutting one of my PhD students is nearing the end of his thesis work and presented a great talk at the Sixth IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing in Cambridge on, "Implicit Group Messaging…

July 2006 Automotive Software – opportunities for Irish graduates, Technology Ireland Article - Quoted in a piece on Automotive Software - opportunities for Irish graduates, Technology Ireland, Issue 3 Vol 37.Automotive software (Automobile Sector) is an expanding area of software engineering and embedded systems research and development. Within…
June 2006 Imaging, Visualisation & Graphics laboratory launch - We held the launch of the Imaging, Visualisation & Graphics laboratory in the School of Computer Science and Informatics with the support of Computer Services UCD. This launch was attended by UCD President, Vice President…
May 2006 Pervasive 2006 State Reception - 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing State Reception hosted by Minister of State Tom Kitt in Dublin Castle who gave this welcoming speech which I helped to write and awarded the best paper prize. Minister…
May 2006 Pervasive 2006 Opens in Dublin - I am the Conference Chair for Pervasive 2006 the 4th International Conference in Pervasive Computing held in Dublin.
Apr 2006 Appointed Program Chair Dublin CASCON 2007 - Appointed as Program Chair for the Dublin CASCON 2006 Symposium.
Apr 2006 Enterprise Ireland, International Collaboration Grant - I have been awarded an Enterprise Ireland, International Collaboration Grant for "Pervasive Visualisation: Off the desktop visualisation".
Apr 2006 CHI 2006 Roadtrip - Myself and Mike Bennett will attended and presented 2 papers (conference and workshop) at the 2006 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI 2006 in Montreal, Canada between April 22-27 2006.
Mar 2006 Enterprise Ireland Technology Roadmap - We reached agreement with Enterprise Ireland to develop a technology roadmap series on Delivering Location Intelligence for a networked mobile world to be hosted in Dublin prior to both LoCA 2006 and Pervasive 2006.
Feb 2006 Online Dublin Computer Science Summer School - We launched Odysseus, the Online Dublin Computer Science Summer School which has 34 projects on offer for application from undergraduate students in Computer Science or related disciplines. I'm the UCD Director of ODCSSS. These…
Feb 2006 Pervasive 2006 State Reception - The office of the Taoiseach (the Irish prime minister) has agreed to host a state reception in Dublin Castle for Pervasive 2006. Tom Kitt TD Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and…
Jan 2006 SFI Workshop and Conference Grant - Myself and Professor Paddy Nixon were successful in grant application to the SFI for a workshop & conference grant for PERVASIVE 2006, PERVASIVE 2006 - The 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing.