Nov 2008 Pervasive 2009 Workshop – Pervasive Advertising

Today Jörg Müller from the University of Münster, Albrecht Schmidt from University of Duisburg-Essen, Bo Begole from PARC USA and myself had our workshop on “Pervasive Computing will change the Future of Advertising” ( accepted at Pervasive 2009, the Seventh International Conference on Pervasive Computing which will be held May 11-14, 2009 in Nara, Japan. This annual conference is the premier forum for researchers to present their latest results in all areas related to architecture, design, implementation, application and evaluation of pervasive computing. I’m also a member of the steering committee (along with Albrecht and others), so it’s great to see the conference go from strength to strength!

“The Pervasive Advertising workshop focusses on how Pervasive Technology is shaping the future of advertising. Technologies including digital signage, ambient displays, mobile phones, haptic interfaces and e-newspapers create a pervasive media environment that disrupts established advertising business models such as sponsorship, publishing houses, out-of-home (e.g. billboard) advertising and TV advertising. We believe that pervasive advertising will soon affect a majority of the world’s urban population, both positively and negatively. Potential opportunities
will centre on the ubiquitous provision of calm and interesting information.

Particular threats are pervasive SPAM and pervasive surveillance, as advertisers try to establish who looks at their ads. This workshop aims at bringing together researchers to forecast opportunities and threats from this development and shape the future of urban citizen. We encourage participants who are excited by or afraid of pervasive advertising to apply to attend this workshop.”

Albrecht blogged about this earlier in the year and highlighted some interesting uses of Pervasive Computing in advertising with “Beamvertising”.

Other examples I found are.

Advertising in a pervasive computing environment [ACM]

“The advent of the internet has revolutionized the field of advertising by providing a whole new path for reaching potential customers. Studies show that online advertising is, on the whole, extremely effective and that consumer acceptance of online advertising is comparable to traditional media[7][8]. One of the reasons for the high effectiveness of online advertising is that users interact with the web at a far more personal and intimate level than they interact with other advertising media like the radio or television. Pervasive computing environments deal with users at an even more intimate level; hence such environments are even better advertising platforms than the web. Pervasive environments allow the delivery of relevant advertising in suitable ways to selected consumers. In this paper, we examine some of the possibilities of pervasive advertising as well as some of the issues involved.”

And using ubiquitous computing in interactive mobile marketing – S Kurkovsky, K Harihar

Student papers Advertising in Ubiquitous Environment.