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Posts before 2006
Dec 2005 CHI 2006 paper accepted - Myself, Trent Apted and Judy Kay had a full conference paper accepted to CHI 2006 on Tabletop Sharing of Digital Photographs for the Elderly.
Sept 2005 Brendan Sheehan starts as postgrad - Brendan Sheehan, has started with me as an Embark/Microsoft Research IRCSET PhD scholar.
Sept 2005 IBM Research Panel - Invited Panalist, RFID & Next Generation Interfaces, Extreme Blue Expo, IBM Dublin Software Lab in the IBM Technology Campus in Mulhuddart.
Sept 2005 New Honours Students - Keith Pilson (Visualisation of sensor data from flight logs) and Wei Zhu (Pervasive Gaming) have started with me as honours students.
Nov 2005 SFI funding for Lero CSET - 9th of November, Minister Micheál Martin announces funding of €11.7million for the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre, Lero.
Aug 2005 Marie Curie International Return and Reintegration grant - Notified by the EU of my International Return and Reintegration grant success. This will allow me to begin an EU Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow on CoViAn, Comparative Visual Analytic techniques and their effectiveness in the…
Sept 2005 Graph Drawing Symposium - Mike Bennett was awarded an Honorable Mention for his graph drawing competition submission at the 13th International Symposium on Graph Drawing, 12 - 14 September 2005, University of Limerick, Limerick Ireland
July 2005 Mike Bennett starts as postgrad - Mike Bennett has started with me as a PhD scholar in the Systems Research Group.
June 2005 Systems Research Group Posts - Our group (SRG) has a number of vacancies:see:
June 2005 Pervasive 2006 coming to Dublin - We were successful in our bid to host PERVASIVE 2006. I am the Conference Chair for PERVASIVE 2006 - The 4th International Conference on Pervasive Computing.
June 2005 Summer Interns - June 2005: Keith Pilson and Larry O'Neill have started working with me on two visualisation projects SOLE and Triskele.
Mar 2005 PhD Funding - Follow this link if you would like to know about the details of a project I have for a funded PhD studentship.
Feb 2005 MSc Computational Science - Follow this link if you would like to know about the projects I currently have on offer for MSc students (MSc Computational Science).
Jan 2005 PhD Scholarship - I have one PhD scholarship on offer in both Information Visualisation and Ubiquitous Computing.

Introduction - I'll think about creating a blog here of overlapping or related research on UbiComp and InfoViz