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Posts from 2011, 2010 and 2009
Call for MobileHCI 2012 Tutorials - MobileHCI 2012 continues to build on the tradition of previous conferences with a high quality tutorial program. We invite proposals for 1, 2 or 3 hour tutorials on emerging and established areas of research and…
Pervasive 2012 – Doctoral Consortium - The Pervasive 2012 doctoral consortium provides a collegial and supportive forum in which PhD students can present and defend their doctoral research-in-progress for constructive feedback and discussion. The consortium is guided by a panel of…
Short Papers HCI 2012 - Myself and Dr. Per Ola Kristensson are the Short Papers chairs for the BCS HCI 2012 conference. HCI 2012 is the 26th Annual Conference of the Specialist HCI group of the BCS and the short papers track…
UMUAI Journal - Aaron Quigley, Judy Kay and Tsvi Kuflik are guest editors for a UMUAI special issue on Ubiquitous and Pervasive User Modelling. You can see the full call for papers for this special issue here.
November 2011 – Editorial: Welcome to Computers––A New Open Access Journal for Computer Science - Aaron Quigley Editorial: Welcome to Computers––A New Open Access Journal for Computer Science Computers 2011, 1(1), 1-2; doi:10.3390/computers1010001 - published online 10 November 2011 For the past seven decades, computers have radically changed the world we live in. From…
October 2011 – Challenges in Information Visualisation - I gave a seminar in the School of Informatics in the Univeristy of Edinburgh on October 7th 2011 on the topic of the Challenges in Information Visualisation. Information Visualisation is a research area that focuses…
August 2011 Papers – UMAP 2011, MobileHCI 2011 and ASONAM 2011 - I recently presented a paper co-authored with Mike Bennett at Stanford University entitled “Creating Personalized Digital Human Models Of Perception For Visual Analytics” at UMAP 2011 in Girona, Spain, on Thursday July 14th. You can see see a…
My Civil Partnership Speech - I would like to thank you, our friends and family for being with us here today on this next great stage in our journey through life together. I love Bradley so very much and I'm very thankful you were…
July 2011 Professional Activities - This year and next I will be, a program committee member for the 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, CONTEXT’11, which will which will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany from Sept 26th to 30th, 2011…
June 2011 – Upcoming Summer School - Some of the equipment for Summer School You can see some of the Arduino and Kinect equipment we have for the summer school here starting on June 26th with an Arduino workshop. The focus of this…
Graduation address – Aaron Quigley Thursday 23 June 2011 - Aaron Quigley delivering a graduation address Graduation address - Aaron Quigley Thursday 23 June 2011 Chancellor, honoured guests, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen. Firstly, I would like to offer my heartfelt or congratulations to all…
Apr 2011: Applications open for Summer School on Multimodal Systems for Digital Tourism - Multimodal Systems for Digital Tourism SICSA Summer School St Andrews, Scotland, June 27th - July 1, 2011 Summer School Website: The focus of this summer school is to introduce a new generation of researchers…
Mar 2011: £600,000 Smart Tourism Grant - Professor Jon Oberlander at Smart Tourism launch event March 29th Along with colleagues from across SICSA we have been awarded a grant valued at up to £600,000 from the Horizon Fund by the Scottish Funding…
Feb 2011: Workshop calls for position papers published - SACHI ( members are organising two workshops in conjunction with the 25th BCS Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Newcastle on July 5th 2011. Aaron and Miguel are co-organisers for the workshop on Coupled Multi-display…
Feb 2011: IDEAS Executive Committee membership - I have been invited to join the IDEAS Executive Committee as the external member, and will contribute to guiding the strategic direction of IDEAS. IDEAS is a new multi-disciplinary research centre encompassing the disciplines of…
Feb 2011: Expert Board Membership: BRAID - Aaron Quigley from the SACHI research group has been appointed an expert board member for the EU FP7 coordinating action called BRAID. Prior to joining the University of St Andrews he was the director for…
Jan 2011: Editor-in-Chief for the Journal Computers - I have been invited to serve as the founding Editor-in-Chief for the Journal Computers. Computers is an international, open access journal which provides an advanced forum for computer sciences. Computers is an online journal, with…
Nov 2010 – Ambient Displays - Last week Umer Rashid, one of my graduates students presented at the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces 2010. Umer recently moved to St. Andrews after completing an internship with Nokia Research.
Dec 2010 – Two Journal Papers: Visualisation and Usability - Along with Julie Doyle and Brian O'Mullane we have had our paper on "Usability by Proxy – Killing 2-N Birds with One Stone?" accepted to the Journal of Usability Studies. A controversial paper we look…
Aug 2010 BCS Interaction Specialist Group - "Founded in 1984, Interaction (or the BCS Interaction Specialist Group) is a specialist HCI group of the British Computer Society (BCS). It provides an organisation for all those working on human-computer interaction - the analysis,…
July 2010 – International Workshop on Mobile Collaborative Augmented Reality - I'm been invited to serve on the program committee for a very interesting workshop on mobile collaborative augmented reality which is part of ISMAR 2010. I've been interested in AR for a number of years…
July 2010 – First week as a Professor – From Golf to New Jobs and EU funding - So today is the end of the first week in my new role as Professor in the Chair of Human Computer Interaction at the School of Computer Science in St. Andrews University Scotland. While it's been a relatively…
June 2010 – MUM2010 and AutomotiveUI 2010 - I have been invited to serve on the Program Committee for MUM 2010. This is "a leading annual international conference, which provides a forum for presenting the latest research results on mobile and ubiquitous multimedia. The conference brings…
May 2010 – Workshop on coupled display visual interfaces - PPD’10 our workshop on coupled display visual interfaces has been accepted as a workshop of the 10th International Working Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2010). This workshop will be on May 25th, immediately preceding…
May 2010 – Keynote Talk – IDEs for Pervasive Computing - I have been invited to give a keynote talk at the First International Workshop on Programming Methods for Mobile and Pervasive Systems (PMMPS 10) which will be held in Helsinki, Finland on May 17, 2010 and…
Apr 2010 – Professor in the Chair of Human Computer Interaction - I will be moving to Scotland in July of 2010 to start my new appointment as Professor in the Chair of Human Computer Interaction at the School of Computer Science in St. Andrews University Scotland.…
Jan 2010 – Six PhD scholarships at the Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia - The Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia (HITLab AU) is pleased to announce that applications are now open for 6 fully funded PhD scholarships within the lab starting in 2010. The deadline for applications is Mar…
Dec 2009 ISAmI 2010 - I've been invited to serve on the program committee for the 1st International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence to be held in Guimarães, Portugal on the 16th-18th June, 2010 ( [ Website ] [ Call for papers ]…
Dec 2009 HITLab Australia Director - I have now started as director of the Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia (HIT Lab AU). I am also now an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at the University…
Dec 2009 Chapters in book on Mining and Analysing Social Networks - Along with two of my graduate students we have had two book chapters accepted in the upcoming book entitled "Mining and Analyzing Social Networks" which is part of the book series of studies in Computational…
Nov 2009 UbiComp 2010 - I have been invited and will serve on the Program Committee for the 2010 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing to be held in Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 26-29 2010. The deadline for Papers and Notes…
Nov 2009 Internet of Things 2010 Conference - I have been invited and will serve on the Program Committee for the 2010 Internet of Things Conference. The Internet of Things (IoT) interlinks our physical and digital worlds hence bridging the digital-physical divide. This…
Sept 2009 Workshop at Pervasive 2010: What can the Internet of Things do for the citizen (CIoT)? - Thanks to Florian and Albrecht for inviting me to join the PC for CIoT. ************************* CALL FOR PAPERS ************************ Pervasive 2010 Conference Workshop on What can the Internet of Things do for the citizen? CIoT…
Sept 2009 Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals - I have a chapter on UbiComp User Interfaces in a new book called "Ubiquitous Computing Fundamentals" Edited by John Krumm in Microsoft and published by Chapman & Hall/CRC; 1 edition (September 18, 2009) ISBN: 978-1420093605.…
Sept 2009 Proceedings of the 3rd Irish Conference on Human Computer Interaction I-HCI 2009 - Along with my colleague (and former classmate) Dr. Gavin Doherty we are the conference chairs for the 3rd Irish Conference on Human Computer Interaction (I-HCI 2009) held in Trinity College Dublin on the 17th and…
Sept 2009 Congratulations to Dr. Bennett - It is with great pride that I congratulate Mike Bennett on passing his Viva on Wednesday the 2nd of September 2009. Mike or (Dr. Bennett designate, as we should call him) is my second PhD…
Aug 2009 Invited Trinity Long Room Hub Talk - On October 1st 2009 I will give an invited talk at the Trinity Long Room Hub entitled 'Using Information Visualisation as an Analytical Tool' at 1.00 p.m. - 2.30 p.m. IIIS Seminar Room, C.6002, 6th…
July 2009 Visualisation … 7 Key Challenges we face - The Digital Humanities Observatory is running a week long series of workshops on TEI, XSLT, Data Modelling and Data Visulisation from Monday the 13th to Friday the 17th of July. As part of this I…
July 2009 Upcoming Conferences of interest. - My upcoming move has me thinking about conferences in areas of interest to the HITLab Australia. The International Symposium on Wearable Computers 2009 will be held in Sept in Linz Austria. I aim to attend…
July 2009 Elevation to BCS Fellow - The British Computer Society has informed me that I am now a Fellow of the BCS, specifically a chartered fellow (FBCS CITP) of the BCS. Thanks to Professor Dobson for being my supporter on this.
June 2009 HITLab Australia Director Designate - I'm very excited to announce that I am going to be the inaugural director of the Human Interface Technology Laboratory Australia (HIT Lab AU) and an Associate Professor in the School of Computing and Information…
June 2009 TEDxDublin - On June 12th at 7.30pm 2009 I organised TEDxDublin which was hosted by the Science Gallery. While I founded TEDxDublin, it was truly was a team effort. The TEDxDublin series of event, which started small,…
June 2009 Paper Accepted to EMBC 2009 - Congratulations to my co-authors from UCD and TRIL on our recent paper entitled "Objective real-time assessment of walking and turning in elderly adults" which was accepted at the 31st Annual International Conference of the IEEE…
June 2009 Master Class on Visualisation - I'm giving a Master Classes called "Visualisation as an analytical tool, from networks to data streams" at the DHO Summer School 2009 in July. Thanks to Shawn and Paolo for inviting me. I'm looking forward…
June 2009 Paper Accepted to SNMABA 2009 - Congratulations to Mike Farrugia on having our new paper entitled "Enhancing airline customer relationship management data by inferring ties between passengers” accepted as a regular paper at the International Workshop on Social Networks Mining and…
May 2009 Paper Accepted to HCII 2009 - "Interaction Techniques for Binding Smartphones" Congratulations to Umer on having his paper on Interaction Techniques for Binding Smartphones published in the proceedings of the First International Conference on Human Centered Design 2009. This conference is…
May 2009 Workshops Pervasive 2010 - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pervasive 2010 The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing Call One: Workshop Proposals Pervasive 2010 Submission Deadline: June 26, 2009 Helsinki, Finland May 17 - 20, 2010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Call One for Workshop…
May 2009 Pervasive 2009 - Workshop - Papers - Session Chair - Two weeks ago I was at LoCA 2009 where we had a presentation from the CEO of (pics: They have spun out a LBS technology (placeengine)…
May 2009 Paper Accepted to ICSOFT 2009 - Congrats to Emil and Mike my co-authors for our newly accepted paper entitled "A self-adaptive architecture for autonomic systems developed with ASSL" at ICSOFT 2009, the 4th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies. "The…
May 2009 “Haptic Jingle” and Pervasive Advertising 2009 - Earlier this week I attended a Pervasive 2009 workshop on Pervasive Advertising I organized with Jörg Müller, University of Münster, Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen and Bo Begole, PARC. My postgraduate student Ross Shannon presented…
May 2009 Program Co-Chair LoCA, Tokyo Japan - Last week on May 7-8 I attended LOCA 2009 in Tokyo as one of the Program Co-Chairs for the 4th International Symposium on Location and Context Awareness. We started the symposium with a very engaging…
April 2009 – CFP 1st International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications - I am a member of the Program Committee for the 1st International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications. This will be a interesting and exciting event given the rise of new forms…
April 2009 – Aware Home – Aware Care - Last week I presented on our CAPSIL project during a workshop on Opportunities in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Geron-technology. The focus of this 2nd Workshop was on the Users Perspective and how Ireland can…
April 2009 – P2P (papers and conferences) - New Book Chapter and New Paper Daniel Cutting first got me interested in P2P computing with implicit group messaging while in Australia. We recently published a new book chapter together entitled Serendipity reloaded: fair loading…
April 2009 – Proceedings of LoCA 2009 - New Edited Proceedings The Proceedings of LoCA 2009 are now online Location and Context Awareness 4th International Symposium, LoCA 2009 Tokyo, Japan, May 7-8, 2009 Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Subseries: Information Systems…
April 2009 – Face to face collaborative interfaces - New Book Chapter Myself and one of my Masters students Florian Bodea from last year had a chapter on our research on Face to face collaborative interfaces published recently in the book on Human-Centric Interfaces…
April 2009 – Four invited Pervasive 2010 Workshops - [ Download PDF ] [ Visit Workshop Website ] Pervasive 2010, the 8th International Conference on Pervasive Computing will be held in Helsinki, Finland, 17-20 May. As workshop chairs for 2010 we have decided the…
Mar 2009 Holiday! What holiday? - March 15 - 21st was a week of CAPSIL events in the USA which I've blogged about previously. The week after was intended as a family holiday week. However due to various deadlines and upcoming…
Mar 2009 New Pervasive and Autonomic Research Papers - Congrats to my postgraduate student Ross Shannon and postdoctoral colleague Emil Vassev on their recent success with 3 new papers from our group. Ross is coming towards the end of his doctoral studies. His emerging…
Mar 2009 Hiring a Surface Computing research assistant - (updated March 13th 2009) Research Assistant – Human Computer Interfaces Post Duration 20 Months A Research Assistant is sought for a 20 month period to work on 'Tabletop, Mobile and Interactive Surfaces", a funded research…
Mar 2009 NCOA Panel Las Vegas - [ See Details ] Along with colleagues from around the world we are having a panel on Technologies for Successful Aging at the Aging in America Conference in Las Vegas on March 17th. While my…
Mar 2009 Dviz hiring two more staff – Deadline March 20th! - Detailed advert links Web Developer (n-tier) Ref: : 5/09 Location: : The Digital Hub - Central Dublin Rate: € 47.7 to € 54.6 K (permanent) Front –end Web Application Developer Ref: : 6/09 Location: :…
Mar 2009 Session Chair Pervasive 2009 - I've been asked to be a session chair on Navigation during Pervasive 2009. This is the Seventh International Conference on Pervasive Computing which will be held May 11-14, 2009 in Nara, Japan. This session includes…
Mar 2009 Keynote talk ruSMART 2009 St.Petersburg, Russia - I've been invited to present a keynote talk at the 2nd Conference on Smart Spaces ruSMART 2009 to be held from the September 15-16, 2009 in St.Petersburg, Russia. This event is co-located with The 9th…
March 2009 Higher Diploma in Computer Science UCD - My two years as Director of the Higher Diploma in Computer Science in Computer Science and Informatics in UCD are now at an end and my colleague Dr. Eleni Mangina is now taking over this…
March 2009 CAPSIL events in the USA - From March 16th - 20th the CAPSIL consortium comes together in the USA for several leading events we have organised to reach out to the independent living research and development community and the US based…
Mar 2009 Pervasive Advertising. “A sin by any name”? - Myself and my co-chairs Jörg Müller, Albrecht Schmidt and Bo Begole are currently busy reviewing the submissions to our Workshop on Pervasive Advertising in conjunction with Pervasive 2009 to be held on May 11, 2009…
March 2009 Cloud Computing - As part of our applied research project Dviz I've been building up an understanding and appreciation of the incredibly over-hyped area of cloud computing. However, for Dviz it is important as it allows us to…
Feb 2009 – LoCA program chair meeting and decisions - Myself and Tanzeem Choudhury from Dartmouth College are the program chairs for the Fourth International Symposium on Location- and Context-Awareness to be held in Tokyo Japan from the 7-8 May 2009. LoCA 2009 is colocated…
Feb 2009 Program Committee, Conference on Smart Spaces - I've been invited to join the PC for the 2nd Conference on Smart Spaces ruSMART 2009 to be held in St.Petersburg, Russia from September 15-16, 2009. I like the outline for this event and topics…
Feb 2009 Open posts for Clique Research Cluster - I am one of the principal investigators for the Clique Research Cluster in Graph, Network Analysis and Visualisation based at University College Dublin and the National University of Ireland, Galway.We are inviting applications for the…
Feb 2009 CHI 2009 Work In Progress paper - Congrats to Ross on having his work in progress paper accepted to CHI 2009 to be published as an extended abstract.Shannon R., Quigley A. and Nixon P. (2009). Time Sequences. In CHI '09 Extended Abstracts…
Feb 2009 Chartered IT Professional (CITP) - I'm now a Chartered IT Professional (CITP). Which is a professional certification awarded under a UK Royal Charter to IT professionals by the Council of the British Computer Society.
Jan 2009 Two new Journal papers published - Congrats to two of my students Umer and Ross on our two new journal papers which are soon to appear. Shannon R., Eugene K. and Quigley A., "Using Ambient Social Reminders to Stay in Touch…
Jan 2009 VDA 2009 San Jose - I presented our paper on the Visual data exploration of temporal graph data at the Conference on Visualization and Data Analysis 2009 which was Part of IS&T/SPIE's International Symposium on Electronic Imaging 2009. This event…
Jan 2009 New Translational Research Project Dviz & Senior Software Architect post - Representatives of UCD, IADT and Twelve Horses in late December 2008 signed a two year contract with the NDRC for the Dviz digital media technologies project. I am the UCD PI, Hilary Kenna in the…