Call for MobileHCI 2012 Tutorials

MobileHCI 2012 continues to build on the tradition of previous conferences with a high quality tutorial program. We invite proposals for 1, 2 or 3 hour tutorials on emerging and established areas of research and practice. Tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference and are expected to provide participants with new insights and skills relevant to the area.

A MobileHCI tutorial is an in-depth presentation of one or more state-of-the-art topics presented by researchers or practitioners within the field of Mobile HCI. The scope for tutorials is broad and includes topics such as new technologies, research approaches and methodologies, design practices, user/consumer insights, investigations into new services/applications/interfaces, and much more.

A tutorial should focus on its topic in detail and include references to the “must read” papers or materials within its domain. A participatory approach in which the tutorial participants actively engage in exercises is welcomed, though not required. In addition we welcome proposals incorporating hands-on work where the outcome is a working prototype. The tutorial organizers will work with the main session organisers to provide 2 spots in the demo session to showcase the best prototypes that emerge from the tutorial program.

The expected audience will vary in terms of prior knowledge, but will largely consist of researchers, Ph.D. students, practitioners, and educators.

We encourage you to review the scope and nature of the previous tutorial program at

Submission Instructions:

  1. We may invite a small number of tutorials from Bay Area experts that we think will be particularly interesting to attendees. In order to avoid overlaps with those tutorials we suggest reviewing the 2012 Tutorials page (which we will update to reflect invited tutorials) before submitting.
  2. Remember that a MobileHCI 2012 tutorial should last between 1 and 3 hours.
  3. In your proposal include a brief biography of the presenter(s), the title of the tutorial, and a sufficiently detailed description of the tutorial (the intended topics, the depths to which you will cover them, and activities that attendees will engage in) to convey what you expect attendees to have learned at the end of the tutorial.
  4. Send a PDF version of your tutorial proposal directly to the Tutorial Chairs at 
  5. The Tutorials Chairs will evaluate all proposals and communicate acceptance decisions to the proposers. 
  6. Accepted tutorial proposals will be included in the main conference proceedings


  • Submission deadline:  May 4th, 2012 
  • Proposers notified:      June 11th, 2012

We look forward to your submissions!

2012 Tutorial Chairs