Dec 2008 Workshop Chair, Pervasive 2010 – The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing

May 2010, Helsinki Finland

Festival Hall at the University of Helsinki

I have been invited to be one of the Workshop Chairs for Pervasive 2010, The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing 17-20 May 2010. Our workshops and the main conference will be held in the Festival Hall at the University of Helsinki Finland. While this event is over 17 months away we will be soliciting targeted workshops and large Pervasive Computing project organisers to come to Helsinki. Example workshops might be collocated with an FP7 project review eg. (day 1 project meeting and day 2 open Pervasive 2010 workshop). Other workshops will be solicited directly from leading research groups in areas of interest to Pervasive but which have not traditionally had a strong presence here. Finally, we will be issuing a general calls for workshops to the entire community, as always.

We expect the open call, targeted call and invited workshops to provide a stimulating and exciting workshop program to compliment the main conference in 2010. If you have an idea now for a workshop, please do get in touch.