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Posts from 2017, 2016 and 2015
2017 Media Coverage of SWIM - And "evolution in one-handed texting" and "Tilt gesture keyboard" recently developed and published has been covered in the Media. The SACHI website has more details.
2017 SACHI @ CHI in Denver - Members of SACHI will be at the upcoming CHI’17 conference. The SACHI website has all these details and more.
2016 in Review - Microsoft Surface Hub arrives and is unboxed SACHI @ IUI 2016 Object Recognition with the Project Soli in St Andrews SACHI @ CHI 2016 WatchMI won honorable mention award at MobileHCI 2016 (Florence, Italy) Media…
2016 RadarCat at UIST in Tokyo, Japan - RadarCat (Radar Categorization for Input & Interaction) was presented at UIST 2016 this week in Tokyo, Japan. RadarCat is a small, versatile radar-based system for material and object classification which enables new forms of everyday…
2016 – SACHI @ CHI - SACHI will have a great presence at the upcoming CHI’16 conference . You can find more details about this on the SACHI website.
2016 – SACHI @ IUI - ACM IUI is an annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community, i.e. where HCI meets AI. The research community focuses on using AI techniques to improve interfaces. I attended as the ACM SIGCHI Adjunct Chair…
Mar: Stealers Wheel and HCI - Public-displays to the left of me, head-mounted displays to the right, Here I am, stuck with the mobile phone that is you! Helsinki Seminar Details
Mar: LitLong Launch - The Palimpsest project involving the University of St Andrews’ SACHI team, collaborating with the University of Edinburgh’s English literature and text-mining group, has now completed its LitLong Edinburgh application and website, which are launched today (30th March 2015).…
Books for new and old Computer Scientists - Here I am collecting up some references to books from colleagues and others which are suggested reading for computer science students. Some suggestions are from others on twitter so these just have their @ handle.…
Feb: Winter Augmented Reality Meeting 2015 - I have been invited to the Winter Augmented Reality Meeting 2015 as a Keynote Speaker. WARM is an interdisciplinary meeting of experts in AR and related domains running its tenth installment. WARM2015 continues the success…