Category Archives: pervasive12

Pervasive 2012 – Doctoral Consortium

The Pervasive 2012 doctoral consortium provides a collegial and supportive forum in which PhD students can present and defend their doctoral research-in-progress for constructive feedback and discussion. The consortium is guided by a panel of experienced researchers and practitioners with both academic and industrial experience. It offers students the valuable opportunity to receive high-quality feedback and fresh perspectives from recognized international experts in the field, and to engage with other senior doctoral students.

Applicants should be far enough into their PhD research to have identified the salient issues and appropriate research methodology, as well as achieved some results. Preference will be given to applicants who are at a stage where they have completed some portion of the research but are still at a stage that will still permit them to incorporate feedback received at the consortium into their planned PhD research.


The doctoral consortium will be a seminar-style event taking place the day before the main Pervasive 2012 sessions. Time will be allotted to each student for a brief research presentation, and for in-depth, constructive discussion amongst the panellists and other participants. In order to allow for sufficient depth of discussion, the number of accepted participants will be limited to ten.
For the 2012 Pervasive doctoral consortium we aim to include a number of new features including a panel session. The short “Ask a PhD” panel session is a free-form question-and-answer discussion in which the consortium panellists will share their advice and experiences regarding such topics as going on the job market, international career paths, academic versus industry career paths, post-docs versus permanent positions, job offer negotiation, and other topics of relevance to PhD students. This session will serve as a capstone event to the consortium, allowing students to reflect and consider important career issues together.


Submissions (of up to 5 pages) should be formatted according to the guidelines of Springer’s LNCS format. A maximum of 4 pages should be devoted to the Research Summary, described below and 1 page for the students biographical sketch, also described below. The topic scope for submission to the doctoral consortium is the same as those listed in the Pervasive 2012 call for papers. Submissions should consist of the following:
  1. Research summary describing the work in progress, and including a 100 word abstract. Things to consider for inclusion in the research summary are:
    • the expected contribution to the field;
    • the original idea or thesis statement;
    • the problem domain and the specific problem addressed;
    • a brief overview of related work;
    • the methodological approach;
    • research carried out and results so far.

    All research summaries should also outline what work remains to be done for the dissertation and indicate the plan for completion.

  2. Student biographical sketch, including the names and affiliations of the research advisor(s), the date that the student began the PhD programme, and the expected date of completion.
All submissions should be made using the PCS submission system.
All submissions will be reviewed by the DC chairs and consortium panellists. If accepted, an applicant may be asked to make minor clarifications and edits to their research summary before the final camera-ready version is due. The accepted doctoral consortium submissions will be published in the adjunct proceedings of the Pervasive 2012 program.

Critical Dates

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

  • Elaine M. Huang, University of Zurich, Switzerland

  • Aaron Quigley, University of St. Andrews, UK

July 2011 Professional Activities

This year and next I will be, 

a program committee member for the 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Modeling and Using Context, CONTEXT’11, which will which will be held in Karlsruhe, Germany from Sept 26th to 30th, 2011

a program committee member for the 3rd International Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications, AutomotiveUI’11, which will be held in Salzburg, Austria, from Nov 29th to Dec 2nd, 2011

a program committee member for the 8th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, MobiQuitous 2011, which will be held in Copenhagen, Denmark from Dec 6th to 9th, 2011
a program committee member for the 6th International Conference on Tangible, embedded and embodied interaction, TEI 2012, which will be held in Kingston, Canada from February 19th to 22nd, 2012
a program committee member for the10th IEEE Pervasive Computing and Communication, PerCom 2012, which will be held in Lugano, Switzerland from March 19th to 23rd, 2012

I am co-chairing with Elaine Huang from the University of Zurich the Doctoral Consortium at the 10th International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Pervasive 2012, which will be held in Newcastle, UK from June 19th – 22nd, 2012