Jan 2012 – New Grants, Research Fellow and PhD Scholarships

Along with colleagues in the Univeristies of Edinburgh and York we have achieved grant success with JISC. Our project “Trading Consequences” (Universities of Edinburgh, York and St Andrews) will examine the economic and environmental consequences of commodity trading during the nineteenth century using information extraction techniques to study large corpora of digitized documents through structured query and visualisation. There is a page on our research group’s website about this in more detail.

Along with Miguel Nacenta and colleagues from ADS and Historic Scotland we have been awarded a Smart Tourism grant named LADDIE or Large Augmented Digital Displays for Interactive Experiences of Historic Sites. In addition to this, along with colleagues from MUSA in St Andrews and Interface3 who have been awarded a second Smart Tourism Grant named SMART or Scotland’s Museums Augmented Reality Tourism. There is a page on our research group’s website about this in more detail.

I’m now advertising for a research fellow to work with me for 3 years (and beyond possibly). The deadline for applications 17th February 2012. We wish to recruit a Research Fellow in Human Computer Interaction to support a number of new and ongoing research projects in Ubiquitous User Interface development. Our research page has some more details but the primary advertisement and details can be found here on the vacancies site.

Finally, I am actively recruiting PhD students. If you are interested in postgraduate research in the area of Human Computer Interaction then please visit our scholarship page on our research group site further details and links.