Nov 2008 ODCSSS 2009 – Theme Announced “Technologies for bridging the digital-physical divide: sensing the environment”

We have announced the theme for ODCSSS 2009 “Technologies for bridging the digital-physical divide: sensing the environment”.

ODCSSS is 12 week undergraduate summer research internship program between the University College Dublin (UCD) and Dublin City University (DCU) Ireland. This program offers a distributed and interdisciplinary research environment at the forefront of ICT research.

Each ODCSSS student is engaged in a research project with a faculty member and mentor which provides them an opportunity to experience research. The program offers paid internship awards and opens for applications in December of each year for the following summer. The selection of interns is highly competitive but we encourage anyone interested in research who is eligible to apply. Our Introduction page and Objectives pages have more details on the overall program. Our News page has extensive updates of the ongoing ODCSSS activities each year and our Students page has details of our over 60 past students.