New PhD student?
I have graduated 12 PhD students to date and I currently supervise four . If you are interested in undertaking a PhD under my supervision, first look at the list of postgraduate student topics I’ve supervised in the past at the end of this page. My research interests are always evolving in the search of new and exciting research questions and areas of inquiry. However, these topics give you a good sense of what I enjoy working on. If your inquiry is far outside these areas then please make a clear case why I am the right person to supervise you.
If you are interested in postgraduate research in the area of Human Computer Interaction then please contact me. However, I would encourage you to review the areas I publish in and my research interests.
Some of the specific areas I am interested in supervising in 2022 – 2023 include:
- Discreet Computing
- Wearable Interactions
- Robotics and HCI
- Low energy/new materials and novel interaction
- Immersive Analytics
- Digital – Physical interaction (blending digital and physical interaction)
- The Ubiquitous User Interface: Ubiquitous computing and HCI
- Digital – Physical interaction (blending digital and physical interaction)
- Intelligent User Interfaces.

- Dr Don Elvitigala, Postdoctoral Fellow,, BoDI Lab, UNSW
- Dr Rowan Hughes, BoDI Lab, UNSW
- Dr. Uta Hinrichs, Postdoctoral Fellow, SACHI, St Andrews
- Dr. David-Harris Birtill, , Postdoctoral Fellow, SACHI, St Andrews
- Dr. Benoit Gaudin, Postdoctoral Fellow UCD
- Dr. Julie Doyle, Postdoctoral Fellow UCD
- Dr. Emil Vassev, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow UCD (IRCSET/LERO) (from Nov 2008)
- Dr iain Carson, “Sensorimotor Interfaces: Towards Enactivity in HCI” 2022
- Dr. Guilherme Soares Mota Carneiro, Visual Analysis of Arguments in Video-based Debates, 2021
- Dr. Hui-Shyong Yeo, Single-Handed Interaction Techniques for Mobile and Wearable Computing, 2021
- Dr. Evan Brown, Open Source Collaboration Tools for Lawyers, 2019
- Dr. Hussein Bakri, Adaptivity of 3D Web Content in Web-Based Virtual Museums, A Quality of Service and Quality of Experience Perspective, 2019
- Dr. Daniel Rough, Jeeves: A Blocks-Based Approach to En-User Development of Experience Sampling Apps, 2018
- Dr. Anne-Marie Mann, The Role of Technology in the Classroom: Advantages, Limitations and Potential, 2017
- Dr. Jakub Dostal, Designing Spatially-Aware Indoor Visual Interfaces and Systems, 2016
- Dr. Mike Farrugia, Social network assembly and visual analytics with applications in airline customer analysis, Nov 2012
- Dr. Umer Rashid, Cross-Display Attention Switching in Mobile Interaction with Large Displays, July 2012
- Dr. Mike Bennett, Designing For An Individual’s Eyes: Human-Computer Interaction, Vision And Individual Differences, Sept 2009
- Dr. Daniel Cutting, University of Sydney Australia, Balancing Implicit Group Messaging over Peer-to-Peer Networks, June 2007
- Allison Jing, MSc St Andrews, SnapChart: An Immersive Analytical Toolkit To Enhance Interactivity In A Collaborative Environment, 2018
- Chenyang Xiang, MSc St Andrews, SnapChart: An Immersive Analytical Toolkit To Enhance Interactivity In A Collaborative Environment, 2018
- Alberto Martinico, MSc St Andrews, Exploring Collaborative Interactions with the Microsoft Surface Hub, 2016
- Alejandro Samboy, MSc St Andrews, Enabling Single-handed Gestural and 2D Targeting Interactions for Wrist-worn Devices with an Optical Motion Sensor, 2016
- Ching Su, MSc St Andrews, Posture Behaviour at Home, 2015
- Adam Buckland, MSc St Andrews, Computer Supported Cooperative Teaching, 2014
- Eoghan Hurley, A Decision Making Framework for the Adoption of Cloud Computing, MSc Advanced Software Engineering, May 2010
- Travis Green, Social Network Analysis, MSc Cognitive Science UCD, Aug 2009
- Luke O’Malley, MSc UCD, Visualisation of variability in software product lines for product derivation, April 2009
- Florin Bodea, MSc UCD, Collaborative Tabletop Information Visualisation
- Hui Zhang, MSc UCD, Social Network Visualisation
- Eoghan Parle, MSc UCD, Location-Aware Collaborative Recommender
- Qiao Zhong, MSc UCD, Orbit: Information Visualisation by Exploration
- Neil Cowzer, P2P Systems, PhD candidate UCD
- Brendan Sheehan, Improved Certainty in Bioinformatics and computational biology, PhD candidate Clique UCD.