In the REF, impact is defined as an effect on, change or benefit to the economy, society, culture, public policy or services, health, the environment or quality of life, beyond academia.
However, in these pages I discuss my impact on the economy, society, culture, public policy and quality of life, both in and beyond academia. As such, these pages describe my professional activities, the invited talks I deliver, my work with the media and knowledge transfer efforts.
For example, along with Matthias Kaiserswerth (Hasler Stif- tung, Switzerland) we were invited by the ACM president to consider the future. And we developed and recommended what became the ACM Future of Computing Academy.

“Based on their recommendations, the ACM Council has voted to establish this new Future of Computing Academy.” The ACM Future of Computing Academy, DOI:10.1145/3020077
“The ACM Future of Computing Academy (FCA), created in 2016, brings together talented young professionals from a broad range of computing subdisciplines and institutions—academia, research labs, established companies, and startups—who want to perform valuable services for the community while expanding their professional networks and leadership experience. FCA members identify and implement pilot projects that address challenging issues facing our organization and the computing field in general.”