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2019 CHI

As ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Conferences and general co-chair for CHI 2021, this CHI conference in Glasgow will be a busy time. During the weekend before CHI I will serve as a mentor for the Early Career Development Symposium and chair of an ACM SIGCHI Conferences board meeting, along with attending the newcomers reception and the awards banquet. During the first two days at CHI I’ll be a session chair for Human Smartphone Interaction, meeting with the ACM SIGCHI Conferences working group, meeting with my 2021 co-chair and technical program chairs for CHI 21, presenting the ACM Europe Council best paper award along with attending the chair’s luncheon, diversity and inclusion lunch and the SIGCHI chapters meeting. In the final two days I’ll be preparing for the closing in my role as ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Conferences, shadowing at various 2019/2020 handover meetings and attending the SICHI/CHI downhill and ECV lunch and 2019 committee dinner. Following CHI will be a full day SIGCHI executive committee meeting. In between all of this I hope to attend some sessions, demos and posters.

This SACHI blog post describes what everyone in SACHI will be upto at CHI, “Alongside 5 full papers, 2 workshop presentations and 4 student volunteers, we’ve also put together a SICSA poster that we will be giving away at CHI that represents and summarises HCI research in Scottish Universities!”

2019 Keynote: 5th International ACM In-Cooperation HCI and UX Conference, Indonesia

I will engage in a lecture tour to three cities in Indonesia in April 2019 as part of the Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP) of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The DSP brings together international thought leaders from academia, industry, and government.

I will speak at the 5th International HCI and UX Conference which will be based in Jakarta, Surabaya and Denpasar. I will present talks on Discreet Computing and Global Human Computer Interaction along with meeting with local academic and industry leaders in Human Computer Interaction.

Venue for the Melbourne Knowledge Week, the old meat market

2019 ACM Distinguished Speaker: Melbourne and Sydney, Australia

ACM Logo

I will travel to Melbourne and Sydney Australia as part of the ACM DSP program. First, I will deliver a talk on the Future of Interaction at the Melbourne Knowledge Week followed by a “fireside chat” and panel in the University of Melbourne and finally a seminar in the University of Sydney. My talks will cover a number of areas of research I explore with my colleagues and students in SACHI, the St Andrews Computer Human Interaction research group. The tweets from @sachi_research can be seen below.

2016 in Review