Category Archives: graph drawing

Oct 2007 Dagstuhl Seminar Invitation

I have been invited to attend a Dagstuhl Seminar in May of 2008 on Graph Drawing with Applications to Bioinformatics and Social Sciences. This is a very timely event for me, as I am working with a number of grad students, namely Mike Bennett, Mike Farrugia and Eamon Phelan on just these two areas. In addition Brendan Sheehan MSc, one of my grad students, has been developing the research and method behind CellTransformer: A Tool to Generate Reaction Networks through Graph Transformation. The timing is a little tight as I need to fly to Australia shortly afterwards where I’m the Late Breaking Results Co-Chair for Pervasive 2008, the Sixth International Conference on Pervasive Computing.

I’m looking forward to hearing about work in both Bioinformatics and the Social Sciences and any new techniques and applications that are emerging.

To quote to organisers!

“Automated graph drawing deals with the layout of relational data arising from computer science (data base design, data mining, software engineering), and other sciences such as bioinformatics (metabolic networks, protein-protein interaction), business informatics (business process models), and criminalistics (social networks, phone-call graphs). In mathematical terms, such relational data are modeled as graphs or more general structures such as hypergraphs, clustered graphs, or compound graphs. Graph drawing communicates the relational information through diagrams drawn in the plane. The main objective is to display the data in a meaningful fashion, that is, in a way that shows well the underlying structures, and that often depends on the application domain.

In this seminar, we will to focus on graph drawing in two important application domains: bioinformatics (metabolic pathways, regulatory networks, protein-protein interaction) and social sciences and criminalistics (case information diagrams, phone-call graphs). In both application domains, the underlying information is usually stored in large data bases constituting a huge and complex graph, but only a suitable fraction of this graph is visualized and the exploration of the underlying graph is guided by the user. Thus, the user becomes a central actor that triggers dynamic updates of the displayed graph and its layout. The support of application-specific update functionality in conjunction with high quality graph layout is essential in order to gain user acceptance in the targeted application areas.”

June 2007 InfoVis Symposium Dublin

Lero Support

UCD Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory
Information Visualisation 
Mini-Symposium June 15th 2007


This Information Visualisation symposium saw people from industry and academia from around Ireland come together for a mini-symposium on Information Visualisation. Aaron Quigley chaired the event with support from Lero and with support from IRCSET for our keynote who was attending our VGV GREP expert panel the next day. 

One of our external academic participants said, “I was impressed by the range and quality of the Info Vis PhD/Masters projects here. The projects were pushing the science, and they were clearly well-grounded in industrial reality. I think you have an excellent research environment, and it was a pleasure to be here.

Another of our partner academics said, “I just wanted to write a quick thank you for the Information Visualisation Day you organised last June. I found it very useful and it was a great opportunity to meet with people doing like-minded things.

One of our external industry participants said, “The symposium was a very interesting event with many innovative presentations. Such events are also a great opportunity for industry and research to meet and discuss areas of mutual interest. I’d certainly like you to keep both myself and the wider team here in Dublin informed of any future events which may be of interest to us.

10.00 – 10.05 Welcome – Aaron Quigley
10.05 – 11.00 Keynote – Peter Eades, NICTA Australia Algorithmics for Network Visualization
11.00 – 11.20 Coffee
11.20 – 11.40 Brendan Sheehan – Visualizing Error and Uncertainty
11.40 – 12.00 Aimal Tariq Rextin – Dynamic Upward Planarity Testing of Single Source Digraphs
12.00 – 12.20 Luke O’Malley – Treemaps for Feature Models in Software Evolution
12.20 – 12.40 Martin Harrigan – Minimum-Crossing Embeddings of Trees in k Levels
12.40 – 13.20 Lunch
13.20 – 13.40 Mike Bennett – Colour and Visualisation
13.40 – 14.00 Daren Nestor – Visualisation of Software Product Lines
14.00 – 14.20 Benoit Gaudin, Comparative Visual Analytics
14.20 – 14.40 Ross Shannon – Visualizing Gossiping Algorithms
14.40 Close of Symposium
15.00 – 15.30 Tour of UCD visualisation facilities and tabletop tissue micro array visualisation