The SIGGRAPH Asia Doctoral Consortium is a forum for PhD students to meet and discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced SIGGRAPH Asia researchers in an informal and interactive setting. Ideal applicants will be within a year of completing their PhD and well into their dissertation research. Accepted students will receive a complimentary registration to the full SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 conference.
Participants were selected based on their anticipated contributions to the breadth and depth of the intellectual discussions at the meeting. Each applicant provided a short, written paper; no more than four pages including references, in the official SIGGRAPH Asia publication format, as described in the ACM SIGGRAPH Publication Guidelines.
Each student gave a short presentation of their work (15 minutes), which will be followed by a discussion with the panel and the other student participants. Each participating student presented a poster describing their work for presentation in the SIGGRAPH Asia posters program.
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs
Simon See, NVIDIA , Singapore and Aaron Quigley, CSIRO’s Data61, Australia and Mashhuda Glencross, University of Queensland, Australia.