2019: ACM SIGCHI China Chapter’s 15th Anniversary

As part of the ACM Distinguished Speakers Program I delivered a distinguished lecture as part of the ACM SIGCHI China Chapter’s 15th Anniversary event this November in Beijing.

As the SIGCHI site notes

SIGCHI Local Chapters help the ACM SIGCHI community to promote and advance human-computer interaction locally and around the globe. For the developing parts of the world, Local Chapters often serve as the first front to promote HCI education, research and practice in the region. SIGCHI Local Chapters are unique in building bridges between academics, practitioners and students in the field of HCI.

There are 50 SIGCHI Local Chapters on 6 continents, in over 30 countries, impacting over 4,000 chapter members. While each chapter has its own unique approach, the professional and student chapters organize meetings, offer presentations from invited speakers, networking opportunities, discussion forums, job boards, and other special events year-round. Many chapters host their own local conferences and hold contests for HCI students.