Last week I was one of the three keynote speakers at the Mensch und Computer (MuC) conference in Germany. I joined Margaret Urban, Senior Interaction Designer, Google, Mountain View, CA and Mark Billinghurst from the University of Auckland and South Australia. I spoke about Discreet computing while Margaret spoke about conversational interfaces and Mark looked forward to the next 20 years of augmented reality. I was honoured to be in such esteemed company and to present to nearly 1,000 delegates.

This is the “annual conference organised by the German Informatics Society (Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.) and the German Usability Professionals Association (German UPA)” with nearly 1,000 participants from industry and academia is a great way to learn all about what’s going on with HCI research and practice at the heart of Europe. It’s also one of the largest German-speaking IT conferences and the largest HCI conference in Europe when CHI isn’t in Europe.