Congratulations to Guilherme, one of my PhD students, for receiving a best student paper award for the work on Deb8: A Tool for Collaborative Analysis of Video.
Guilherme Carneiro, Miguel Nacenta, Alice Toniolo, Gonzalo Mendez, and Aaron J Quigley. 2019. Deb8: A Tool for Collaborative Analysis of Video. In Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video (TVX ’19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 47–58. DOI:
Abstract: Public, parliamentary and television debates are commonplace in modern democracies. However, developing an understanding and communicating with others is often limited to passive viewing or, at best, textual discussion on social media. To address this, we present the design and implementation of Deb8, a tool that allows collaborative analysis of video-based TV debates. The tool provides a novel UI designed to enable and capture rich synchronous collaborative discussion of videos based on argumentation graphs that link quotes of the video, opinions, questions, and external evidence. Deb8 supports the creation of rich idea structures based on argumentation theory as well as collaborative tagging of the relevance, support and trustworthiness of the different elements. We report an evaluation of the tool design and a reflection on the challenges involved.