SICSA is the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance. I’ve been the deputy director and director for knowledge exchange with SICSA for a little over a month now. Yesterday I attended my first meeting of the SICSA committee with academics representing Universities from
across Scotland. Attending this meeting prompted me to write this post.
SICSA has so far
appointed more than 30 new staff and have offered more than 70 prize
studentships to PhD students from around the world. However, SICSA is more than just these people. Indeed, in my time in Scotland I’ve met a few students and indeed academics in Computer Science and Informatics who said that “they aren’t in SICSA” or that “SICSA events or support wasn’t for them”. This is simply not the case. SICSA was established to “Sustain and expand Scotland’s research excellence in Informatics and Computer Science“. This means all academics, researchers, postdocs, postgrads and others in Informatics and Computer Science across Scotland are part of SICSA. i.e. “we are all SICSA”. Indeed, given our mandate to work closely with industry and government, I would hope everyone in the ICT industry in Scotland feels they can give and get something from working with SICSA. While there were only 10 Universities involved with SICSA at its
inception, today we have representation and involvement from every
University with Informatics and Computer Science.
Over the past month I have been coming to grips with my new role. Along with learning new things about how Scottish Funding Council funding pools work it’s also given me a new appreciation for the wealth of mechanisms for collaboration my predecessors have put in place. I’m going to be blogging about knowledge exchange in more detail in the coming months but for now I’d like to highlight a number of different and ongoing mechanisms for sustaining and expanding Scotland’s research excellence in Informatics and Computer Science.
Firstly, and I’ll admit I’m somewhat biased as I was a former theme leader, but I think the four SICSA themes are an excellent way to get to know people here, share ideas, make new contacts and step into the broader SICSA community. Each theme organises a myriad of activities too numerous to describe here. The four themes are the Next Generation Internet, Multimodal Interaction, Modelling and Abstraction and Complex Systems Engineering. Along with being leading academics in their respective fields, I’ve found the theme leaders and their deputies all to be very approachable people. If you have an idea for something which a theme might be able to help with, get in touch. Each theme has a mailing list which is worth subscribing to so that you are kept upto date.
Summer Schools:
Postdoctoral and Early Career researcher Exchanges
Distinguished Visiting Fellowships
Pools Engagement in European Research
PhD Conference
I find I don’t write as much on this blog as I used to as I’m now prone to smaller updates with twitter. You can follow me @aquigley. Likewise you can follow these SICSA account on cybersecurity in Scotland @sicsa_cybersec, of smart tourism @SICSA_Tourism or Mobile Computing @SICSAmobile and the general SICSA account at @SICSA_Scotland.
If you are an academic in Computer Science and Informatics in Scotland please get involved.