Speaking during the session on “Emerging European Trends for Inclusive AAL Solutions” the attendees were able to hear from three of the European Coordinated Actions in this space on their “Road Mapping” activities and suggested frameworks for AAL Development.
For more details visit the workshop website:
Opportunities in Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) and Geron-technologyBuilding Competitive Advantage in the Emerging AAL Market
2nd Workshop – The Users Perspective
Date | Tuesday 7th April 2009
Time | 8.30 – 5.00pm
Venue | Nursing Building, Dundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Co Louth
Europe’s ageing population is a challenge for our job market and its social and health systems. But it is also an economic and social opportunity. By 2020, 25% of the EU’s population will be over 65. Spending on pensions, heslth and long-term care is expected to increase by a factor of three by 2050. However, older Europeans are also important consumers with a combined wealth of over €3,000 billion. ”