2005-2009: College Lecturer, University of College Dublin Ireland
From January 2005 until December of 2009 Dr. Quigley was an academic staff member of the School of Computer Science & Informatics in the University College Dublin Ireland. In this time he directed various sized teams of people, from just 1 postgraduate in mid 2005 to a team of over 20 by 2008. Aaron’s research interests during this time included Pervasive Computing, Information Visualisation and the union of the two with Pervasive Visualisation. He was a member of the Systems Research Group based in the Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory UCD.

The research initiatives he was involved with in 2009 as he left UCD included:
- Co-Principal Investigator for Clique an SFI Strategic Research Cluster [ Blog items ]UCD Principal Investigator for DVIZ and NDRC translational research project [ Blog items ]
- Principal Investigator and Coordinator for CAPSIL an EU FP7 coordinating action [ Blog items ]
- UREKA Site Applicant and UCD Director for ODCSSS an SFI UREKA grant [ Blog items ]Academic Investigator in Lero the Irish Software Engineering Research Centre an SFI CSET grant [ Blog items ]
- Collaborator in CLARITYCentre for Sensor Web Technologies Bringing Information to Life an SFI CSET grant [ Blog items ]
- Visiting scientist with IBM Dublin in the Centre for Advanced Studies.In addition, from 2007 until the start of 2009 he was a Principal Investigator for theTRIL Centre, Technology Research for Independent Living on Technology Platform strand. In this role he directed a team of over ten people.
PPD’08 (AVI 2008) WorkshopThe School of Computer Science & Informatics is part of the College of Engineering, Mathematical & Physical Sciences at the University College Dublin in Ireland. Other responsibilities while in UCD included:
- Principal Investigator for the TRIL Centre (Technology Research for Independent Living) on the Technology Platform (see appointment news Nov 2007 and TRIL Centre IDA Review Jan 2008
- Visiting scientist with the IBM Dublin Center for Advanced Studies (see IBM/IRCSET grant news Dec 2007, European Patent Office Invention Oct 2007,
- IBM CAS Conf July 2007)UCD director for ODCSSS an SFI funded UREKA site (see news items from Aug 2007, May 2007, Jan 2007, Aug 2006)
- Researcher in Lero@UCD the Irish Software Engineering Research Center
- (see Best Paper Award Nov 2007, InfoVis symposium June 2006)Member of the Systems Research Group, Computer Science and Informatics UCD (see many news items here related to the SRG)
- Member of the the Complex & Adaptive Systems Laboratory (CASL) (see grant news Dec 2007)
- Course Director for the Higher Diploma in Computer Science UCD (see Hdip news feed)
- Member of the UCD Research IT committee
- Member of the Imaging, Visualisation and Graphics Laboratory
- (See June 2007 Review Panel, Oct 2006 IRCSET GREP Exploratory Grant, Launch June 2006)
- Core Member of the EII ARC Research Network in Australia
- Honorary associate of the School of Information Technologies in the University of Sydney Australia
In 2009 Aaron was Workshop Chair, Pervasive 2010 – The Eighth International Conference on Pervasive Computing, Helsinki Finland May 2010, Tutorials Chair,TableTop 2009 – IEEE Tabletop and Interactive Surfaces 2009, Banff Canada Nov 2009, Conference Co-Chair, I-HCI 2009 the third conference of the Irish HCI Community, Program Co-Chair,Pervasive Advertising Workshop @ Pervasive 2009, Nara Japan May 2009, Program Committee Member, Pervasive 2009 – The Seventh International Conference onPervasive Computing, Nara Japan May 2009, Program Chair, 4th International Symposium on Location and Context Awareness LoCA 2009, Tokyo Japan May 2009. In 2008 Aaron was involved with, UbiComp 2008 (PC member), PPD’08 (Co-Chair), ODCSSS 2008-2009 (Director), Internet of Things IOT 2008 (PC Member), Pervasive 2008 (PC member, Late Breaking Results Co-Chair). In 2007 his professional activities included IBM CAS Software and Systems Engineering Symposium 2007 (Program Chair), Pervasive 2007 (Steering Committee), Ubicomp 2007 (PC member), P2P2007 (PC member) and ODCSSS 2007 (Director). In 2006 his professional activities included Lero (funding), Pervasive 2006, CASCON 2006, ODCSSS 2006, new Team members.